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It’s Zee End! First Timer Highlights


Okay, that’s sort of cheating.  The end of the A to Z Blogging Challenge is here.  At first, I doubted my ability to finish the challenge since I was dealing with working full time, downsizing my house, researching my family tree, and going through yet another RA flare.  Not only did I do the challenge and made an entry for each day, but I had an amazing time making new friends, finding interesting blogs, and even got reacquainted with how much I missed writing.  It got the juices marinating again, and I can’t wait to work on a couple future projects.

But, enough about me.  I have read some excellent blog entries over the last month, and I would love to share them with you.  If you haven’t run across the following amazing writers, please do so.  I promise you won’t be sorry.

For a clever post on awkward medical questions and a grammar discussion with the presidential candidates, have a good chuckle at The Write Transition.

For a charming interaction with a monster, head on over to Kimberley Cooper Blog.

Take a virtual vacation to beautiful and exotic locations by landing at Ramblings of K.  For a relaxing getaway, disembark at Ramblings of a Writer for a beautiful tour of New Zealand.  Experience cities all over the world by travelling with My Life Lived Full.

For an interesting read about xenophobia and mythology, mosey on over to Ronel The Mythmaker – Life as a South African Writer.

For a beautifully written post on a velvet dress and other wonderful posts, breeze in to Joeyfully Stated.

For some deeply touching poetry, wander through the different emotions of Erhynireh and  That Mishmash.

For funny, sweet, and inspiring posts, pop in at Impromptu Promptlings – and Peculiar Ponderings.

Enjoy this short story by Soulgifts – Telling Tales (she has other wonderful stories, too).  I personally think this lady can tell the future.

There is beautiful photography to be found at Searching for Iron Man and Run Happy.

For exciting and wonderful things to do and see in the state of Maine, check out Weekends in Maine.

Become acquainted with a lovely, interesting, and wise lady,  and drop anchor at Just Fooling Around with Bee.  I’m listening to her music list as I write this.

For a blog with just the right amount of seriousness mixed in with humor, visit No Love For Fatties.

For a little bit of this and that and everything else, visit Crackerberries and Ms. AudreyC and Blissful Blog.

To read a great article on intolerance, be prepared to think at The Richness of a Simple Life.

A great place to receive some motivation and inspiration is On Becoming a Lemonade Maker.

Finally, for a hilarious and entertaining read, barge on in at Tales From the Cabbage Patch.  She’s a funny lady, indeed!

There are a couple from Blogspot that I’ve been keeping up with, too–take a look at Janet’s Smiles and Josie’s Journal.  (I apologize to you both because I haven’t been able to comment due to technical issues).

There are so many more and if I’ve overlooked  yours, hit me upside the head and I’ll mention you in a future post.

I’m so honored to have the privilege of peeking inside your lives this past month and hope you invite me to peek a little bit more.

Happy ‘Z’ day.  Hugs to you all.




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