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Gettin’ My January Groove, Finally – Full-Time RV Life


It has been an uphill battle to get re-motivated after the holidays and our cross-country trek to Quartzsite, Arizona.  We left Jacksonville, Florida, on Christmas Day and began making our way to Arizona.  On our second-day leg of the trip outside of Austin, Texas, Mike noticed a malfunction with the support system for the fresh water tank (holding 100 pounds of fresh water weighing approximately 800 pounds) weakening.  This necessitated a stop to get it fixed.  It’s a good thing he caught it.  If we were traveling 65 miles per hour down the road and the tank dropped, there would have been some major damage and physical injury to ourselves and fellow road travelers.  We ended up couch-surfing at Mom and Dad G’s until it could be repaired, which was really more of a treat than a problem.  Two days later we were back on the road with approximately 1500 miles ahead of us, which passed without any problems.  We were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Texas Hill Country, New Mexico, and Arizona.

A piece of scenic highway through Texas Hill Country

We made it to Quartzsite, a small town in the Sonoran Desert, which is a January mecca for RVers and different group gatherings surrounding a huge RV show.  I’ll post more in the future on the different gatherings, but the estimate is for about 500,000 RVers and RV enthusiasts to converge on this tiny desert town.  With the mass of people arriving from all over the country, the flu and other health bugs hitch a ride.  Mike was down for the count with a GI bug for about four days and it jumped to me and lingered for about a week.  We are finally starting to feel somewhat human.

Holidays are done–check.  We are in a new state–check.  Health is back on track–check.  I should be rarin’ to go, right?  I wish.  I’m going to fake it ’til I make it.  I’m having so much trouble hitting the restart button, but I’m going to hit it anyway.

As a personal aside, the holidays were particularly difficult this year with extraneous drama and chaos.  My friend, Janet from Janet’s Smiles, picks an inspiring word to concentrate on throughout the year.  I decided to follow her lead and pick a phrase to focus on in the upcoming months.  Mine is below.

I hope you’re tackling the grind and feeling refreshed and renewed.  Was it hard for you to get re-motivated?  What measures do you take to get yourself out of a ‘rut?’

Safe travels ’til the  next time, Dawn.


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