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Blogging From A-Z Challenge-Theme Reveal


Evidently April is a big blogging month.  Bloggers from all over will be posting a blog a day (except for Sundays) during the month of April, each coinciding with a different letter of the alphabet.   Some will even have a consistent theme throughout the month.

Me?  Well, it’s my first time.  As a sporadic and random subject blogger, it will be a major challenge for me.  I’m going to do what I do best, RANDOM.  It might be a little bit of a cop out, but I’d like to see how I do surviving my first A-Z challenge.  Hopefully, next year I can give a theme of substance.

Here’s more information on the A-Z Challenge:

Okay, get ready, set, go…

Oh, wait.  It starts April 1st.  Whew, just a few more days to anticipate, procrastinate, and attempt to proliferate.

Be sure to leave a like so I can follow along with your challenge.  Happy blogging.

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