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How Do You Eat An Elephant? Around-The-Campfire Stories – RV Life


Mike always gives our girls a wise bit of advice when they are about to start a daunting project, take a big test, get a certification, make a life change, etc.  He simply asks them, “How do you eat an elephant?”

The girls usually roll their eyes and moan, “Ugh, I already know.  One bite at a time.”

It’s good advice, for sure.  I’ve even recited the phrase to myself at different times.

Recently, Mike and I were talking to a remarkable young woman who had successfully planned and executed a huge social gathering.  She’d worked incredibly hard on a volunteer basis and voiced trepidation at planning an annual sequel.

“It’s a huge undertaking,” she said.

Mike was trying to be supportive by giving his best advice.  “It is a big undertaking.  But you did an amazing job on this one.  Just take it one step at a time.  How do you eat an elephant?”

A look of pure horror crossed her beautiful face.  Her indignant reply,  “I don’t eat elephants, I’m vegan!”

For once, my husband was speechless.

What would have been more appropriate?  How do you eat a rutabaga?


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P.S.  I tried to find the original author of this wise saying, but could not find a reliable source.  If you have trustworthy knowledge, will you please share so I can give due credit?

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