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New Introduction Video For Random Bits – Full-Time RV Life


Adding YouTube to our social media line-up for sharing our memories and experiences as a full-time RV couple has been interesting, to say the least.  It has been fun, though.  It was a good time getting in front of the camera and trying to sound like we know what we are doing.  We are not experts, but we can say with certainty what works for us.

We would be honored if you would take a look at our first official video (after the teaser trailer we released last week).  It’s a simple introduction and a recap of the last eight months on the road.  Will you comment on the YouTube video page to let us know what burning questions you would like addressed?  Maybe you want to know how we handle something in particular?  Is there as aspect of our lifestyle in which you’d like clarification?  Do you have questions about how we handle community and friendships?  Anything goes–your curiosity will give us fodder for material that interests people who are reading the blog or watching the videos.



We know your time is valuable and we intend to always respect that fact.  We thank you sincerely for giving us a chance to interact with fellow travelers and those that will soon be starting their own adventure.

We’ll see you on the road.

Until then, safe travels.  Dawn (and Mike)

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