On The Road With Friends – Nice Change of Pace – Full-Time RV Life

We are currently working our way from Florida to Michigan to spend time with family and friends.  Patrick, one of our dear RVer friends, was close to our area and traveling a similar path (at least half-way), so we decided to caravan.   We met up for a week beforehand to strategize, which resulted in a fabulous time with wonderful company.

IMG_4077Patrick has documented his RV journey on YouTube with his channel, The Paddy Wagon.  He did an interview with us on our first week on the road along with a tour of our motorhome, but his journey was an inspiration for us long before we started our full-time RV life.

The Paddy Wagon joined us in Jacksonville, Florida, and we got to show him around our old stomping grounds:

As you can see in the video above, Patrick got to meet Amanda and other special family members.  He solicited Amanda’s help in doing a video review on the Eco-Wash Portable Washer.  We had a blast watching him do the video and seeing the bloopers live and in person.

The entire week was full of discussing possible routes, changing and re-changing destinations and stops along the way.  We finally decided our first leg of the trip would be from Jacksonville to Columbia, South Carolina, for an overnight and then a final week-long landing-place in Asheville, North Carolina.

There was a 104-degree heat index on the day we left Florida.  Mike and Patrick both braved the sauna-like conditions while hitching up and getting ready for the drive.  They did all the final checks–the plus side with traveling with friends is the double-check on all the systems, how we look going down the road, and having each other’s back if there’s a problem.  Except for a nonworking brake light on the motorhome that Mike quickly replaced, we were all systems go and on the road by noon.  The Paddy Wagon recorded the entire trip in an awesome video posted below:

As you can tell by Patrick’s video, we decided not to stop in Columbia and continue on to Asheville to get settled for the night so we could enjoy the next day.  Mike and Patrick both work Monday through Friday, so it was nice for them to spend the day recovering, relaxing, and exploring.

We are currently in a nice, quiet campground nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  There are only five sites, no through traffic, beautiful sunrises over the mountain out the front window, and cool weather.  There are no sauna-like conditions and we might have to break out the light hoodies soon.



Sadly, we will part ways with Patrick later this week.  We’ll continue on to Michigan and Patrick will pursue his travel plans.  We hope to meet up again in the next couple of months and make further RV road trip plans from there.

This lifestyle is amazing.  Asheville wasn’t even on our radar for this time of year, but we picked up and did the trip up here on a whim.  It was even more pleasurable because we shared it with a friend.  Now, that’s really cool.  I love our rolling house.

Where are you?  Where will the wheels roll you next?

Safe travels, Dawn

P.S.  My blog posts will be out of chronological and geographical order the next few weeks, just going with the inspiration as it hits–just another reason why it’s called Random Bits.  I’ll put where we are below until I’m all caught up.

Where we are:  Asheville, North Carolina.

Where we are Headed:  Roscommon and Alpena, Michigan.

Blog Post Location:  Asheville, North Carolina.



  1. I’ve never caravanned before, but I like the idea. We are going to participate in our first “meet up” with several fellow full-time RVers early next year.

    1. The meet up sounds like a lot of fun. We haven’t done anything like that yet, but hope to in the future. Our caravanning was quite fun. It was a low traffic day so we were able to stay together instead of getting separated and then meeting up. The trip went so smooth, and we couldn’t have asked for more.

    1. You live in heaven! My brother also lives here. It is so beautiful nestled up in the mountains of Asheville. We are on the Pisgah Highway. I wish we had more time to spend here. It’s going to be sad to leave on Friday.

  2. What a great blog post and thank you for your kind words, links, and shout out. It is wonderful to have met such great people on the road and to caravan was even better. I shall miss you both, but look forward to when we reconnect in Louisiana and had out west. Have a great time in Michigan.

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