For All RVers – dRiVe-Powered by YOU – Foto Hysteria – Full-Time RV Life

Michael from Foto Hysteria is the next RVer featured in the DRiVe – Powered by YOU series.  Mike and I recently had the pleasure of meeting him at a campfire get-together in San Antonio, Texas.  He is an amazing photographer.



Please watch his beautiful videos and subscribe to Foto Hysteria on YouTube and Instagram (links below).

Foto Hysteria on Facebook:  CLICK HERE.
Foto Hysteria on Instagram:  CLICK HERE.
Website:  CLICK HERE.

Are you an RVer?  Contemplating RVing?  Maybe you’re part time or have even come off the road.  We want to hear YOUR stories.  The instructions are below:

Mike (from RandomBitsRV) and Patrick (from Paddy Wagon Travels) are starting a new series called “Drive – Powered by YOU,” which will include interviews from RVers just like you and me.  They are requesting videos of YOU answering the following questions:

  1. What do you drive?  What type of RV do you have or what type of RV do you aspire to own?
  2. What drives you?  Personally, the answers to this question are my favorite.  What made you consider this lifestyle?  In other words, what desire drives you to live the nomadic existence?
  3. Where are you driving to next?  What’s on the horizon in your traveling plans?

It’s for everyone who wants to live the RV lifestyle.  Are you at the point where you are considering RV living full time?  Do you love camping and try to do it every free minute you have available?  Are you full-time RVing currently and/or have been doing this for years?  Did you try the RV lifestyle and decide to come off the road for good?  We want to hear YOUR stories.  We want to know what drives you.

This project should be a lot of fun and help us all to meet new RVers on the virtual road and, hopefully, on the real road as we travel.  It’s a way to get to know each other and draw knowledge from experience.

Here’s the introduction video with more insights and instructions. Be sure to like and subscribe to meet other RVers and how to keep up with their journeys.

Hope to see YOU in the series and on the road!

What is one of the best gifts to give to the person who has everything?  Find it here on Amazon:  CLICK HERE    RandomBitsRV is an Amazon Affiliate, which means we get a small percentage of purchases for driving traffic to their site.  It’s absolutely at no-obligation, no-cost to you, the purchaser.

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