For All RVers – Average Campers’ Adventures – dRiVe-Powered by YOU – Full-Time RV Life

We have followed  Average Campers’ Adventures for years on YouTube and they’ve always been on our favorites list.  Their RV tips, hiking adventures, and down-to-earth videos inspire and inform.  We were honored when they agreed to submit a video for the dRiVe series.  Their dRiVe story is below:

Please check out their YouTube channel for a wealth of RV and hiking experience.  I’m so excited to see and hear the announcement of their next BIG adventure!  We love to watch their videos and we’ll always be fans.

Average Campers’ Adventures YouTube Channel:  CLICK HERE.
Average Campers’ Adventures Instagram:  CLICK HERE.
Average Campers’ Adventures on Facebook:  CLICK HERE.

P.S.  It’s because of Average Campers Adventures I carry a spider stick when hiking.  It has saved me from doing ‘the freaky spider’ dance many times in the woods!  Thank you, Rob and Trish.

Do you enjoy camping?  Are you a full-time RVer?  Love to take the RV on vacations?  Have you completely come off the road?  We’d LOVE to hear what dRiVes YOU!  Please submit your video.  For instructions on how to participate, please CLICK HERE.  We’ve also set up a dRiVe-Powered by YOU page on Facebook:  CLICK HERE.

Amazon product recommendation of the day inspired by this blog post:  CLICK HERE.

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