For All RVers – dRiVe-Powered by YOU Series – Xsyntrik Nomad – Full-Time RV Life

We are  excited to feature Devan from Xsyntrik Nomad in the dRiVe – Powered by YOU series.

We’ve followed Devan’s travels since she began her nomadic lifestyle.  She is an informative, intuitive, and reflective writer, and her blog is one of my favorites.  Please take a look at her latest in-depth post on earning a living on the road where she offers many ideas and information for those earning an income while traveling.  Her other blog entries describe the daily joys and trials of this lifestyle and how we grow from them.

Please visit Devan at her website:  CLICK HERE.
Her Facebook Page:  CLICK HERE.

Thank you, Devan–for inspiring me (Dawn) to be my most authentic self in my writing, travel style, and just being me.

Stop and say hello to any and all of the dRiVe nomads on the Facebook Page:  CLICK HERE.

Are you a full-time RVer?  Are you in a sticks and bricks and love the joy of weekend camping?  Have you come off the road?  No matter your stage in this lifestyle, your story is unique and experiences are valuable.  We would love to include YOU in the series.  For instructions on how to enter, CLICK HERE.

Amazon recommendation of the day:   CLICK HERE
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