How RVillage Helps Us Stay Connected – Full-Time RV Life


RVillage is a valuable tool for full-time and part-time RVers.  It can be compared to Facebook, only it’s better.  RVillage is more private and focused on the RV community.

We personally use it to see who’s in the same RV park we are and to follow friends we’ve made along the way.  How does it work?  Signing on and setting up a profile is the first step.  The profile includes only information you want to provide.  What type of rig do you have?  What are your hobbies or interests?  Do you have blog/YouTube links?  Do you provide helpful services such as pet sitting, solar installation, RV maintenance, IT assistance, etc.?  You choose what information (if any) to share and it’s an awesome tool to connect with others with the same interests.   Below is a snapshot of our current profile information.  You can click on the bubbles at the bottom on the RVillage site to get more information:

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After setting up a profile, update your location.  Here’s where the magic starts to happen.  If you’re in an RV park, RVillage will provide a list of all other RVillage users in the same park and general area (below).  You can check out their profiles and see who has common interests.  Maybe someone has expertise in the solar install you’re thinking about.   There may be a technical genius nearby to help solve an IT problem or connectivity.  Someone from your hometown might be parked right next to you.  Or, if you want to stay on the down-low and keep your location secret, you don’t have to update your location at all.

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In the past, we’ve set up unofficial RVillage meet-and-greets to get to know other RVers and fellow nomads.   It can be a simple gathering–everyone brings their own beverage and after-dinner snack to share at a fireside gathering on a personal site or in a campground shelter/lounge (example of a past get-together we posted).   We post an invite on the campground site and see who will come.  We also invite non-RVillage neighbors to help grow the on-line community.

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You can “friend” fellow RVers on RVillage, just like Facebook or Instagram.  This will help travelers keep in touch or plan meetings if traveling in the same area.  There are also interest groups to join, such as Thousand Trails Members, specific rig brand owners, women RVers, single travelers, mobile homeschool families, state-specific seasonal campers, Passport America members, photographers, bloggers, kayakers, bird watchers, people who like to wear purple and green polka dots (okay, that’s made up, but you get the idea–there is something for everyone).  It’s a great way to connect with community while traveling.

One of my favorite features of the RVillage site is the map.  When we check into a campground, the map automatically updates and keeps track of our locations.  If I need to remember where we’ve been during a specific time span, the handy dandy map has it recorded.  In our two-plus years of full timing, it’s exciting to see where we’ve been and where we need to go to fill empty spots.  Here’s our map since we’ve hit the road full time.


RVillage also holds rallies.  We’ve been unable to attend, but the feedback is exciting and everyone seems to love them.  There are also exclusive discounts to RVillagers.  The site can be used to any extent which fits your needs.

It’s always nice to know we are not alone is this vast country we travel, whether we simply want to find friends or need to draw on experience and expertise with fellow travelers.

Sign up and take a look today.  It’s free!

Are you an RVillage user?  Please share your username in the comments.  We are RandomBitsRV–‘friend’ us anytime.

Please visit the RandomBitsRV Amazon Store to see our favorite items which make this lifestyle easier.  

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  1. I did not know that about the map and may have to pay more attention to RVillage. We signed up during its infancy stage and actually camped next to Curtis (founder) during that first year, but don’t spend much time using the site. Perhaps I need to rethink. Thanks for reminding me about the sites pluses.

    1. The spots on the map are only the places we have visited overnight–we have a whole lot of places on the map to fill and are slowly working on it. RVillage provides the map for us to use to track our journey. It’s a great site for fellow RVers. Thanks for stopping by!

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